Conspiracy of beards poster — 8 x 18 in. (20.3 x 45.7 cm)
Conspiracy of Beards is a San Francisco men’s choir that sings Leonard Cohen songs exclusively. Together with their opening act, the harmonica trio Tin Sandwich, they agreed to a rare Los Angeles performance benefitting 826LA. That alone would be reason enough for me to get involved, but one of the Beards is also a good friend, so I was doubly motivated.
Considering the exclusive focus on Leonard Cohen, I thought that a visual reference to “Tower of Song” was appropriate. The illustration—Clipart! Gasp!—shows a ziggurat under construction. Both the poster’s vertically stretched format and the type within it complete the tower. The bubbles are purely for fun. I don’t need a deep reason for everything all the time. Back off! My friends at Typecraft kindly donated the printing, and the show was a rousing success. If you have a chance to see the Beards in action, I highly recommend it. A lot of high concept exercises like this get old quick, but these guys really pull it off!